
Kholodilny Lane, 3

2 min

VLASOV HALL is available for viewing by pre-registration

560 m²
200 people
300 people
Theatre seating
420 people

Kholodilny Lane, 3, bldg. 1, p. 8.

4 min

RYABOV LOFT is available for viewing by pre-registration

320 m²
150 people
300 people
Theatre seating
350 people

Our partners


1. Can a car enter VLASOV HALL and RYABOV LOFT areas?

A car can enter VLASOV HALL, but not RYABOV LOFT.

2. Is it possible to barbecue on the side street area of RYABOV LOFT?

Yes, you can.

3. Is there a car park on the territory?

Parking on the territory is chargeable.

4. Is it possible to make noise after 23:00?


5. Can an external catering service be used?

Our own banqueting service works in our venues.

6. Is equipment included in the price?

All of our venues include a LED screen, acoustics, 2 radio microphones, stage lights.

7. Is it possible to bring equipment from the outside contractor?


8. Is there furniture at the venue and is it included in the price?

In VLASOV HALL - soft furniture is included in the rental price. In RYABOV LOFT the rental price includes bean chairs.

9. Why do I need a technical specialist ?

A technical specialist will help you connect to the screen via our or your laptop. He will also set up the acoustics and control the stage lights at the event.

10. Can we smoke hookahs?

Yes, we have our own hookah catering. To smoke hookahs you need to adjust the ventilation system.

11. Can the smoke machine be used?

Yes, the use of a smoke machine requires additional adjustment of the ventilation system.

12. What is the capacity of people with different seating arrangements?

VLASOV HALL: theatre 420, banquet 140 on the 1st floor, up to 200 on two floors, buffet 350.<br>
RYABOV LOFT: theatre 350, banquet 150, buffet 350.

13. What is the height of the ceilings?

VLASOV HALL: 5 metres, RYABOV LOFT: 4 metres.

14. Are there any restrictions on decoration?

You can use any decoration, the main thing is that you dismantle the decoration without any consequences.

15. What equipment does the venue have?

LED screen, sound system, microphones, stage lights.

Customer reviews:

Отличное место) были на стендапе) всё мило, аккуратно, чистенько, по семейному))) можно поесть, выпить, посмеяться и просто хорошо провести время

Яна Черепанова

Отличное место для корпората! Было идеальное местоположение для ДР компании. Банкетной службе отдельный респект! Точно вернёмся ещё.

Формула - ХЗ

Локация удобная, лофт уютный. Очень комфортно общаться с представителями лофта. Кейтеринг вкусный. Обслуживание хорошее. Обязательно вернёмся.

Виктория Половникова

Локация удобная, лофт уютный. Очень комфортно общаться с представителями лофта. Кейтеринг вкусный. Обслуживание хорошее. Обязательно вернёмся.

Виктория Половникова2

Our team:

Олег Рудзей

Oleg Rudzey


Рузиля Вафина

Ruzilya Vafina

Head of banqueting service

Эдуард Юдин

Eduard Yudin


Алёна Меч

Alena Mech

PR director

Эдуард Скоробогатов

Eduard Skorobogatov
